Keighty Gallagher of Tight Club Athletics

Keighty Gallagher of Tight Club Athletics

Keighty Gallagher is the driving force behind Tight Club Athletics (and one of the stars of our After Oil campaign). Her entire jam is to help you bridge the gap between seeing the need to exercise and actually enjoying it, because you don’t have to be a jock to be tight.

Tight Club developed out of weekly exercise hangouts among a diverse group of bartenders, servers, painters, and clothing designers in East Vancouver. These theme-based exercise sessions rapidly evolved into something much bigger: an outdoor athletic club, and eventually, a brick-and-mortar space in Strathcona with plenty of positive vibes [update, July 2020: Gallagher is closing the Tight Club physical space but continuing to offer classes virtually and outdoors].

Gallagher has a Bachelor of Science under her belt from Portland State University and her ACE Personal Trainer certification, which means she can explain how plyometrics can change your life. But more than that, she is a creative thinker who is constantly searching for clever ways to keep fitness friendly, fun, and sweaty. We sent her some questions to dive deeper into her brain, which is clearly just as active as her body.

What are your morning rituals?

Gone are the days of 4:30 a.m. wake-up calls with life-gripping snuggle sessions before being slapped awake by a hot shower and a cup of coffee. Those days still happen from time to time, but in all honestly, whether I am subbing a 6 a.m. class at Tight Club or heading to a noon meeting, my mornings will no doubt be padded with a little time to fling some Peppermint Essential Oil in my shower for that spa-like experience, review my work for the day, and drink my coconut-collagen-hemp-seed blended coffee in my BunnyRanch robe.

What was the first thing you thought about this morning?

Big spoon or little spoon?

Where do you get your inspiration?

A lot of my inspiration comes from community spaces I frequent. I’m fascinated with being in and creating spaces that naturally allude to sustaining human connection. And the people I tend to be with in these spaces give me all that I need.

What can you not live without?

My morning shower. It’s the best way to wake up, aside from stand-up naps.

Do you have a favourite quote?

Don’t go changing (said every day by my old track coach), and more recently, “You’ll stop giving discounts when you realize how much you’re worth” (found somewhere on Instagram).

What made you start Tight Club?

I started Tight Club to provide a space and an opportunity for everyone to feel included in fitness, wherever they are in their journey. I wanted to introduce movement, be it rigorous or not, to creative people’s lives, and have my classes connect on a more personal and functional level.

Who are you currently loving on Instagram?

Currently, always, and forever, I follow this freak @LauraClery who’s this funny babe. Also, @HyperBody. Go look. She's amazing.

What are you most excited about right now?

I’m most excited about being a better leader. It’s the course I failed in university, and I want to prove to myself and my team that I’m here to elevate them as trainers and leaders.

How do you like to use After Oil, our sore-muscle roll-on?

I like to roll it behind my ears and on my neck. I have been working this into my post-workout routine; it helps to ease me back into work mode.

How do you stay healthy?

I am a big fan of lifting heavy weights; I add spinach to my chocolate smoothies; and I enjoy quick trips to California for specific surf and smooch reasons.

This interview has been edited and condensed.