Self-Care Made Simple

Self-Care Made Simple

Self-care has become one of the buzziest words in the wellness movement, and it’s not without reason: nurturing ourselves is an important part of our overall health. You can’t pour from an empty cup, after all; and as RuPaul says on Drag Race, if you don’t love yourself, how are you going to love somebody else?

The only problem is that the pressure to practise self-care and self-love means it risks becoming yet another item on our already long to-do lists. But there shouldn’t be any pressure to treat ourselves a certain way—rather, self-care can be defined however you as an individual want to define it. Here are some very easy places to start.


It’s clear that what we use to power our bodies has a large effect on how we feel and operate. But everybody (and every body) can react differently based on unique food preferences and sensitivities. So whether you subscribe to a diet that is vegan or vegetarian, paleo or Mediterranean, or anything else that works for you, just try to eat whole foods that make you feel good. Maybe craft a great spring salad for lunch this week, or consider a healthier dip for your next party. Oh, and don’t stress about that donut at brunch (hey, maybe that donut is your definition of self-care).


Rather than checking work emails before bed, consider some options to soothe your soul and re-connect to yourself instead. This could mean anything from reading a good book while soaking in the bath, to listening to a favourite album, to a heartfelt conversation with a loved one. In the morning, indulge with a refreshing shower complete with an aromatic boost from Eucalyptus Essential Oil, or a balancing face steam with Geranium and Sweet Orange essential oils. Small, simple rituals provide instant rejuvenation and relaxation, even on the most hectic of days.


From stress management, to healthy weight maintenance, to uplifting moods, getting moving is a great way to engage in self-care. Add a bit of action to your day by parking further away from the office front door or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If time allows, head to a workout class (that you actually enjoy) for a little burn. Even the addition of a quick walk around the block after dinner can make a difference.


Generally, we all know it’s recommended to get about eight hours of sleep per night. Prioritize this important piece of the puzzle by upgrading your pre-sleep routine and managing your schedule to allow for proper wind-down time.

At the end of the day, remember that this process doesn’t look the same for everyone. Try some of these methods out and see what works best for you in your life right now; build from there, and don’t be afraid to tweak your routine as needed. After all, many different things can fill a cup.