Self-Care Tips for Welcoming Spring

Self-Care Tips for Welcoming Spring

After a long, cold winter, spring feels like a phase of rejuvenation and renewal, and it also happens to be the perfect opportunity to switch up your self-care routine. You’ve likely been using heavy lotions, woodsy-scented essential oils, and thick blankets (which are all lovely ideas)—but to match the season, it’s time to lighten up those little things you do for yourself to feel your very best.

Here are five of our favourite self-care ways to embrace spring.

Freshen up your scent profile

From soaps to lotions to perfumes and essential oils (and yes, you can wear essential oils as perfume), spring is when you can shift to scents that mirror the blossoms and plants that are starting to grow outside. Consider diffusing aromas derived from fruits and flowers, like Sweet Orange, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang. These scents are also naturally energizing, and after feeling sluggish all winter long, your body will undoubtedly be grateful for that little jolt of energy that can be experienced through aromatherapy.

Create an airy feel

Spring cleaning is all well and good—removing the dirt and grime collected over winter is a plus for you both physically and mentally—but it’s also ideal timing to think about changing up a few key decor accents. Remove dark hues and bring in whisper-soft pastels, whites, and creams, and light woods like teak and bamboo; think a throw pillow here or a wicker basket there. Swap out hefty blankets for feather-thin ones to use on those occasionally chilly nights, and put away clutter in baskets and organizers so your spaces will feel breezy.

Take your workouts outside

Outdoor exercise has many benefits, including Vitamin D boosts, connecting with nature, and lifting the symptoms of seasonal depression. Now that it’s spring, say goodbye to your trusty treadmill and work up a sweat outside. Run on local trails and do some forest bathing, or sign up for an outdoor yoga class—you’d be surprised at how many botanical gardens are holding open-air exercise classes these days. Some simple stretching in your backyard as the sun rises will also do the trick.

Revive your skin

Even if you’ve been exfoliating and moisturizing throughout winter to combat troublesome dryness, your skin could still use some extra TLC as we head into the warmer months. You can choose to purchase a ready-made mask (like this one from Goop) that guarantees a dewy complexion, or you can gather up ingredients from your very own kitchen: honey, papayas, and olive oil can all help your skin perk up. Our recipe for this purifying face mask can also help prepare your skin for spring.

Bring in nature

Fresh blooms will give a nice pop in your newly-airy spaces. If you prefer your plants to have some longevity, skip the bouquets and pick up some green, thriving house plants like succulents or other tropicals; they’ll instantly communicate a springtime vibe in all your spaces. Also consider buying some hanging plants or herb beds for the patio now that it’s warm enough for them to survive.

We made it—another winter is behind us. Let’s make the most of it.