Diffuser Cocktail: Calm for Kids

Diffuser Cocktail: Calm for Kids

The start of the school year is often stressful for kids, and that’s only been heightened thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s always hard to ease back into routine, but especially so now that routines are being completely revamped—and seem to be continuously in flux.

Whether your young ones are learning at home or in the classroom (or some combination of the two), consider diffusing this gentle aroma for them when anxieties are running high.


10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops Bergamot Essential Oil


Bergamot Essential Oil is comforting and warming; it smells like Earl grey tea. Lavender Essential is soothing and soft; it provides instant relaxation. Together they smell like a warm hug. Put this in the diffuser and have your kids close their eyes and take a few deep breaths.

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