Scent Style: Ariel Swan, Cofounder of Jaybird

Scent Style: Ariel Swan, Cofounder of Jaybird

To put it simply, Ariel Swan is goals. She’s a former dancer, a sometimes model, and the cofounder of Jaybird: a beautiful workout studio in Vancouver with a truly sexy vibe. She’s also one of the masterminds behind Feed the People, a grassroots organization that donates meals to homeless people in the city, as well as Slow Jam Sundays, an iconic local nightlife event (when bars are open) featuring the best in sultry dance music. In addition, she’s a trainer at Lagree West, which is where I am tortured by her once a week. Nobody kicks my butt like Ariel.

Here’s how she scents her Vancouver space.

Scent is so personal. What does it mean to you?

Scent is something that allows me to feel at home; it’s a common factor that enables me to rest, or allows me to feel a little more like the best version of me. From the scent at Jaybird every time you walk into the studio, to the smell of my parents’ house, to the perfume I wear—all these things remind me of good memories, happy times, and give me a feeling of home both in my space and in my heart. I love when people say that my scent reminds them of me, or that every time they come over, they know how my house will smell. These little things leave impressions, and hopefully remind others of the good times we have shared.

Describe your personality in three to five words.

Energetic, kind, authentic, self-assured.

Ariel Swan Scent Style

With those words in mind, tell us about the diffuser recipe that you’ve created to represent your scent style.

I am a person who is forever changing, growing, and developing. A lot of what I like depends on my mood, so with that in mind, I often diffuse different blends for different times of day.

For my home in the evening, I played with Velvet as my base for a rich, warm, and enduring scent; and I added Sweet Orange to keep the sweetness but incorporate a bit of a lighter feel.

For daytime or for the online workouts I teach from home, I wanted something lighter and fresher. I have always loved citrus and fell in love with Retreat. I really don’t need to do much to it; sometimes I add a bit more Eucalyptus if I am feeling a bit tired or need a boost while working, but to be honest, I love the scent exactly as it is.

Why did you choose each of these oils and how do they work together? What does the final aroma smell like or remind you of?

The Velvet and Sweet Orange blend reminds me of a luxurious hotel. It makes me want to be home, drink wine, eat cheese, and relax with the people I love.

Retreat smells fresh, sweet, and bright. It gives me energy and wakes me up. A perfect blend for self-practice, a day at home working, or an online class. It just genuinely makes me happy and feel lighter.

What room do you diffuse this scent in and when do you diffuse it?

I have my diffuser in my living room, but can smell it throughout the entire space. I can smell it when I walk into my apartment, and it immediately makes me feel at home.

Aside from scent, what else makes you feel truly at home in your space?

I love music. Having the perfect soundtrack always makes me feel at home. I also love my bed; that feeling of crawling into clean sheets and my comfy bed is everything.

What’s your favorite thing about your home?

My favorite thing about my place is my view. I can see past Kits Beach, all the way out to the ocean. The sunsets are amazing, and it makes me grateful for the beauty of the city I live in every day.


7 drops Velvet Essential Oil Blend

5 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

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