Desk Snacking 101

Desk Snacking 101

Those work-from-home days can start to feel monotonous, can’t they? The afternoon stretches on at a snail’s pace and you find yourself looking towards the kitchen, wondering what you’re going to eat next.

Being home all day definitely makes it more tempting to nosh while working from your desk (or dining room table, or couch). Keep these tips in mind to satisfy your snacktooth and nourish your body at the same time.

Stay hydrated

Hot tip: water is good for you. Drink lots of it. Keep a water bottle at your desk, or drink from a smaller cup and use those refill moments as excuses to stretch your legs. If you want something warm, try peppermint tea or heat up some Nut Meg Mylk and mix in cinnamon and a pinch of turmeric.

Keep it healthy

Healthful food is going to energize you in a more sustainable way. Think carrots and BobAli hummus or an apple with Mumgry nut butter. Rice cakes and unsalted nuts are great, too; we also love the organic sourdough crackers from Rustic Bakery.

Prepare in advance

Make it easy on yourself. Have vegetables rinsed and cut up in the fridge, or have some grapes washed and parcelled out into snackable clusters. A little prep on Sunday can really set you up for success the rest of the week.

Treat yourself

When you want something sweet, pure and artisanal chocolate is a great option. We love the chocolate-covered corn nuts (crunchy perfection) and chocolate-covered candied orange rinds (citrus bliss) from East Van Roasters. For something in the baking category, The Bench Bakehouse makes kouign-amann bites: small, caramelized versions of this traditional (and very decadent) cake. Because while eating healthy is important, these times are weird and you deserve treats.
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