She’s Like the Wind

She’s Like the Wind

In the hospitality industry, we find that it can be hard to get balance in our lives. We love what we do so much—for me, that includes being the bar manager at Elisa steakhouse in Vancouver—that often, we are working even when were not technically “working.”

It’s not a bad thing, but it’s still important to get back to centre. I like to work out, whether it’s boxing or a hot yoga class, but one of the other things that brings me the most joy is music. When I was younger, I remember watching movies like The Sound of Music and Dirty Dancing with my face almost pressed up against the screen. For me, my balance is music. These movies inspired me to go into performing and take dance classes, singing lessons, and eventually attend a performing arts high school. If ever I find I am out of balance, I crank up the music and have a dance party in my apartment.

She’s Like the Wind is the cocktail manifestation of that.


  • 45 ml Hennessy V.S
  • 15 ml Amontillado sherry
  • 15 ml strawberry puree
  • 15 ml lemon
  • 15 ml yuzu
  • 20 ml honey (1:1)
  • 2 dashes of Bittered Sling Western Haskap bitters
  • 60 ml ginger beer (I use Dickies)


  1. Combine all ingredients except the ginger beer into a shaker tin and fill with ice.
  2. Give it a good, hard shake.
  3. Add the ginger beer to your tin to combine and fine-strain into a Collins glass over fresh ice.
  4. Garnish with a sexy mint sprig, serve, and enjoy!
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